Deja Vu II is the section flight of the 6” diameter vehicle designed to test our avionics system, duel deployment recovery system, and motorcase reusability. The rocket performed as expected, reaching apogee at 26,800ft. The avionics were able to record the position of the rocket in flight and once it had reached ground level for a fast and easy recovery. The vehicle was recovered in perfect condition. In flight footage was recorded using a GoPro camera located in the upper airframe of the rocket, as seen above. All systems performed nominally except the duel deployment recovery system. The vehicle's main parachute was deployed at apogee, instead of initially coming down on a drouge chute and deploying the main at a lower altitude.
At 1:52pm on Saturday, November 21st, Déjà Vu took to the Mojave skies, soaring beautifully from the launch rail to reach apogee at just over 25,000 feet...